We understand that costs are important in any business transaction. We have set out below a range of fees relevant for applications for new premises licence applications and full variations of an existing premises licence. The price information is designed to give you an indication of how much it costs to work with us in relation to the Licensing Act 2003.

We offer a bespoke service and each matter is unique. We can only estimate the likely costs of our licensing services once we have discussed the matter with you and seen the papers. However, we can provide an indication of our likely fees associated with work of varying complexity. 

We would be pleased to speak with you to discuss your specific requirements concerning any licensing matter and provide you with a tailored fee estimate.

Our Fees

Please see below for an indication of fee ranges*

  • Simple application: £1,250 to £2,500
  • Medium-complexity application: £2,500 to £4,000
  • High-complexity application: £4,000 to £12,000

*Application fees will vary depending on the complexity of the transaction and are based on hourly rates of £175 per hour for paralegals and trainee solicitors and up to £350 per hour plus VAT (@20%) for a partner.

You should note that the approach of the relevant licensing and responsible authorities, and the involvement and organisation of residential and local amenity groups, will significantly affect our charges. Other factors that will increase the complexity of the matter include:

  • Larger premises
  • More densely populated location
  • Licensed activity not in keeping with the local area
  • Perceived likelihood of public nuisance, crime or disorder attaching to the licensed activity
  • Historic licensing issues associated with the local area
  • Historic licensing issues associated with the premises
  • The extent to which the proposed licence may not align with Local Authority policy
  • Later hours of operation
  • Outdoor festivals and events
  • Multiple stakeholders involved in instructing us
  • Cumulative Impact Zones

In addition to our fees, you will need to budget for the following:

  • Application fee charged by the licensing authority (typically from £100 to £1,905 but more if the venue capacity exceeds 4999)
  • Advertising fee (typically from £100 to £500 plus VAT)
  • Enquiry agent fees to display public notices if required (typically from £75 to £500 plus VAT)
  • Preparing plans (typically from £300 to £1,000 plus VAT)

We incur these and other necessary additional third-party costs (“disbursements”) on your behalf. We would usually discuss disbursements with you in advance and incur them on your behalf when appropriate. You are responsible for the payment of all disbursements.

All fees are subject to the addition of VAT at the prevailing rate (presently @20%).

What's Included

Costings above includes the following services and key stages:

  • Taking your instructions
  • Advising on the type of plans required to accompany your application and appropriate application fee
  • Drafting a consent form for the Designated Premises Supervisor
  • Undertaking due diligence on the DPS’s right to work in accordance with applicable Immigration legislation (new applications)
  • Completing and submitting the application, including the Operating Schedule and advising on how to promote the licensing objectives
  • Drafting notices advertising the application for display at the premises in the correct form and publication in an appropriate newspaper local to the premises
  • Liaising with you to arrange the display of the notice(s) at the premises – either by advising you as to the appropriate location and number, (or at an additional cost) arranging for the notices to be displayed on your behalf through an agent
  • Checking the licence once granted and correcting any errors with the licensing authority and
  • Progressing through to the grant of the application and reporting to you throughout (where no representations are received)

What's Not Included

Costings above exclude the following services:

    • Obtaining suitable plans

    • Pre-consulting with the Licensing Authority, Responsible Authorities and others (local residents and/or councillors) and any charges made by the Responsible Authorities for such a meeting

    • Attending site meetings

    • Dealing with, attending meetings or advising you in relation to queries or representations received from either the Responsible Authorities for other Interested Parties

    • Drafting additional documentation to support the application such as a Dispersal Policy, Operational Management Plan, and /or Risk Assessments
    • Instructing and thereafter liaising with Experts or Counsel
    • Advising on drafting licensing clauses or similar clauses within a lease

    • Investigating the licensing and/or planning history of the site and of the surrounding area, including investigating licences granted and/or refused for similar operations in the locality

    • Advising in relation to technical standards, building control, or similar

    • Preparing for and representing you at Licensing Sub-Committee, including preparing evidence and taking witness statements and dealing with any other related matters

    • Advising on any appeal or dealing with any queries following the licence hearing, reviewing the granted licence and liaising with the Authority if errors are made and submitting and pursuing any appeal documentation

Time scales

Matters usually take between six to twelve weeks from receipt of instructions from you. This is on the basis of the application being relatively straightforward and you being able to provide all the necessary documents promptly. If your matter is more complex (for example, if there is substantial opposition from interested parties, or if there is a delay in receiving the documents we need), it may take substantially longer. Where you have to appeal it might typically take between 4 months and 10 months. As with all applications, you may not be successful.