A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document which allows you to appoint up to 4 people of your choice to make decisions on your behalf, should you ever become unable to do so yourself or would simply like to have help managing your financial affairs. There are 2 types of LPA to choose from, one deals with your financial affairs and the other your health and welfare interests. 

Our specialist lawyers can handle the preparation and administration of LPAs. We believe everyone should be encouraged to grant lasting powers of attorney, which will be invaluable if they should ever lose mental capacity. 

Our experienced team can guide you through the entire LPA process, including: 

  • Explaining the process
  • Helping you choose the suitable type of LPA 
  • Drafting documents 
  • Providing assistance to attorneys to help them carry out their roles effectively 
  • Taking on the role as your attorney if you would like us to do so

If someone does become mentally incapacitated and no Lasting Power of Attorney (or Enduring Power of Attorney) is in place, we can help guide you through the Court of Protection procedures that are required when dealing with an incapacitated person’s property and financial affairs, and any welfare decisions that may need to be made. 

In 2017 we received the Law Society’s prestigious Excellence in Private Client Practice award for our work in this area of law.  

We can provide different pricing options depending on your budget and we are happy to have an initial chat without obligation – contact us today. 

A Guide To A Lasting Power Of Attorney

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