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Playing our part in our colourful community

When we’re not advising about law, we’re often helping or supporting local charities, good causes or community projects and events. For instance, we’ve helped raise funds for two Devon hospices. We’ve waived our fee in return for a donation during Make a Will Week, and a team of six of our hardy souls swapped their work wear for sports kit to conquer the mud, marsh, hills and obstacles of Mission: Unbreakable.

By getting widely involved with the colourful melting pot that is our community and, hopefully, enriching the lives of others, the reward is that we’ll be enriched too.

Contact Us

North, South, East or West. Wherever you are, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today for an informal chat, without obligation. We look forward to hearing from you.

South Devon:
01803 213251

01392 274006

North Devon:
01271 342268