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A diverse family united by a common goal

Less waffle, more clarity and no grey areas in between

Our team of nearly 200 brilliant people are ready to advise you on everything from agriculture to acquisitions and marine to marriage (and just about anything in between). We’re from all walks of life, but we’re kindred spirits when it comes to our aim of being the complete opposite of a stereotypical lawyer. We always try to give you less waffle, more clarity and no grey areas in between.

Abigail Marsh | Legal Assistant
[email protected]
01803 225118

Abigail Roode | Solicitor
[email protected]
01271 340499

alan brookes new 1

Alan Brookes | Consultant
[email protected]
01803 213251

Alex Jenkins | Partner
[email protected]
01271 342268

Alicia Payne | Trainee Solicitor
[email protected]
01803 225125

Amelia Smith | Solicitor
[email protected]
01803 225170

Andrew Guthrie 9

Andrew Guthrie | Finance Director/COFA
[email protected]
01803 225174

Andrew Wood | Solicitor
[email protected]
01271 341009

Torquay 0045

Ashley Bevans | Partner and Head of Commercial Property
[email protected]
01803 225122

Brennan Dyball | Paralegal
[email protected]
01392 539209

Cate Jewell | Family Law Executive
[email protected]
01803 396629

Catherine Pinnegar | Associate Solicitor
[email protected]
01803 225112

Charlotte McGregor | Partner - Head of Private Client Department
[email protected]
01392 274006

Cheryl Bolt | Associate Solicitor
[email protected]
01392 539208

Chloe Emery | Paralegal
[email protected]
01271 340492

Chris Hart | Chief Executive
[email protected]
01803 225141

Chris Linton 10

Christopher Linton | Partner
[email protected]
01803 225127

Clive Meredith | Practice Director (Non Lawyer)
[email protected]
01803 225124

Courtney McManus | Trainee Solicitor
[email protected]
01803 225114

Craig Smith | Partner
[email protected]
01392 539204

Daisy Otton | Paralegal
[email protected]
01392 274006

Daniel Gresswell 16

Daniel Gresswell | Partner, Head of Company and Commercial Team.
[email protected]
01392 539190

Danielle Julyan | Associate Solicitor
[email protected]
01803 396675

David Brooking 8

David Brooking | Associate Legal Executive
[email protected]
01803 837031

David Eastman 18

David Eastman | Partner
[email protected]
01271 341016

David Kendall | Partner
[email protected]
01803 225134

David Morgan Wynn 9

David Morgan-Wynne | Associate Solicitor
[email protected]
01803 396621

Deborah Baker 25

Deborah Baker | Partner
[email protected]
01271 341000

Dominic Hollingsworth | Partner
[email protected]
01803 225130

Edward Lee 12

Edward Lee | Partner
[email protected]
01803 225155

Elizabeth Foster | Family Law Executive
[email protected]
01803 225119

Elizabeth Larner 20

Elizabeth Larner | Partner
[email protected]
01803 225135

Emma Reed | Partner
[email protected]
01392 539207

Emma Tyrer | Solicitor
[email protected]
01392 798776

Gary Brenton | HR Director
[email protected]
01803 396610

Hannah Goodman | Trainee Solicitor
[email protected]
01803 225159

Hayley Green | Partner
[email protected]
01271 342268

Hebe Shepherd | Trainee Solicitor
[email protected]
01803 225132

Iain Douglas | Legal Executive Elder Client
[email protected]
01803 225195

Isobel Yandle 14

Isobel Yandle | Solicitor
[email protected]
01803 396635

Jaime Denega | Associate Solicitor
[email protected]
01803 213251

Jessica Wycliffe-Jones | Associate Solicitor
[email protected]
01803 396634

Jon Dunkley | Partner - Head of Regulatory Team.
[email protected]
01271 342268

Jonathan Dickson | Partner
[email protected]
01803 396644

Judith Manser 10

Judith Manser | Partner - Head of Property Team
[email protected]
01271 340496

Julie Hyde | Paralegal
[email protected]
01803 225157

Karen Miller 10

Karen Miller | Partner
[email protected]
01271 342268

Katrina Vallentine 31

Katrina Vollentine | Partner
[email protected]
01803 225181

Kieran McDermott | Trainee Solicitor
[email protected]
01271 340497

Laura Lockwood | Trainee Solicitor
[email protected]
01271 443886

Laura Sellick-Tague | Associate Lawyer and Chartered Legal Executive
[email protected]
01803 225161

Lauren Burgess | Compliance Director
[email protected]
01803 225176

Lela Turkia | Solicitor
[email protected]
01392 301094

Lisa Ellis | Graduate Legal Executive
[email protected]
01803 396609

Liz Crawford 9

Liz Crawford | Associate Solicitor
[email protected]
01803 396607

Lucy Rundle | Trainee Solicitor
[email protected]
01392 301096

Lydia Murray | Solicitor
[email protected]
01392 301097

Lynn Young 14

Lynn Young | Legal Assistant
[email protected]
01803 225177

Marco Floreale | Partner, Head of Sports Law Division
[email protected]
01803 396639

Mark Iddles 6

Mark Iddles | Partner
[email protected]
01803 225180

Martin Ruskin 23

Martin Ruskin | Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Wealth Manager
[email protected]
01803 618310

Maurice Clarke 19

Maurice Clark | Consultant
[email protected]
01271 340490

Michael Cosgrave | Consultant
[email protected]
01803 396606

Michael Davies | Paralegal
[email protected]
01803 837034

Michelle Pugh | Marketing Manager
[email protected]
07710 715470

Monica O’Neill | Solicitor
[email protected]
01392 539199

Nadia Irwin | Paralegal
[email protected]
01271 340491

Nigel Wollen | Consultant
[email protected]
01803 213521

Paula Wakeling-Basham | Residential Property & Development Associate
[email protected]
01392 301092

Rachel Carter | Partner - Head of Department, Family
[email protected]
01803 396637

Rebecca Procter 2

Rebecca Procter | Partner
[email protected]
01803 225158

Rhoda Honey | Associate Solicitor
[email protected]
01803 225128

Richard Phillips | Consultant
[email protected]
01392 274006 

Ryan Griffiths | Solicitor
[email protected]
01392 301099

Sarah Rowles | Licensed Conveyancer
[email protected]
01803 396613

Shirley Tull | Consultant
[email protected]
01803 396631

Simon Bean 21

Simon Bean | Partner - Head of Dispute Resolution team.
[email protected]
01803 225123

Simon Wilson 10

Simon Wilson | Consultant
[email protected]
01803 396604

Steve Waters | Associate Solicitor
[email protected]
01803 396600

Thomas Calder 16

Tom Calder | Senior Associate Solicitor
[email protected]
01803 396603

Tracy Pettit | Solicitor
[email protected]
01271 443883

Victoria Harle

Victoria Harle | Associate Chartered Legal Executive
[email protected]
01803 225113

Victoria Martyn | Paralegal
[email protected]
01803 225133