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Sabina Smith

I qualified as a solicitor in 1995 and have spent my career working in family law. Over this time I have gained experience in all areas of family law, but now focussing on the financial aspects of divorce and family breakdown such as property, maintenance and including cases involving a family business or assets overseas. I have a particular interest in cases concerning pensions on divorce, having acted for clients with significant pension funds either in the public sector / uniformed services or with private companies, and hold the professional  accreditation with https://resolution.org.uk/ for pensions advice on divorce.

In addition, I often advise parents with regard to the living arrangements for their children after separation. This includes arrangements for the children to spend time with both parents, and with a particular specialism in children cases with an international element. Having previously served on the Home Office panel of solicitors for international child abduction cases, I have niche experience acting for parents in Hague Convention cases and in “relocation” applications where one parent seeks to move overseas.

Having trained as a family mediator and a collaborative lawyer, I bring an objective, constructive, and non confrontational approach to my cases and wherever possible will work with clients and other lawyers to build consensus and find agreed solutions. However I am also mindful of the need to progress matters and to ensure that my work is cost and time effective for clients. Therefore in those cases that require a court application I will recommend this at the appropriate time and I am experienced in guiding and supporting clients through the process.

I was previously a Partner at two other law firms based in Devon before joining Wollens in September 2020 as a Consultant at our Exeter office. I currently serve on the Committee for the Devon branch of Resolution, the governing body for family law professionals.

In my spare time I enjoy music, cinema, theatre, and galleries, and am a Trustee of the Phoenix Arts Centre in Exeter.


Contact Sabina Smith