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Rachel Carter

A Thank You isn’t enough !

I am not sure what I would have done without Rachel. Through her expert knowledge and tenacity she literally saved our family.  I would always be left feeling reassured after speaking with her on the phone. As a family we went through a harrowing process but I was so lucky to have Rachel by my side fighting for us!”

‘R’ – Family Client 


I am a partner and Head of Department, Childcare and Family team.

I have worked almost exclusively in complex care proceedings and non-accidental injury for many years; I joined Wollens in February 2012 and continue to focus my work on the representation of parents.

I act for parents and carers within these complex proceedings which involve allegations of physical abuse such as shaken baby syndrome, fractures, bruises, factitious illness, etc. I work with clients all over the country (from Cornwall to Newcastle) and represent people in all courts including the County Court, High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. I am a member of the Law Society’s specialist Children’s Panel which means I am accredited to represent children (often via a guardian).

Most of my work is legally aided (parents within care proceedings are automatically entitled to full legal aid).

As a result of the amount of NAI work I undertake, I have considerable experience in the area and have formed excellent working relationships both with barristers also specialising in this line of work and with medical experts who undertake reports for such cases. Subsequently, I have had much success in securing a child’s return to their parents’ care.

I run my own blog site about the work I do (non-accidental injury and the law) where you can find more information: www.parentsaccused.co.uk

{Rachel Carter has a national reputation for representing parents who have been accused of causing injury to their children. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience coupled with incredibly expertise in this field. She works closely with other members of her team to ensure her clients are always afforded with the very best representation available.
{Rachel Carter and Victoria Harle are the stand out Solicitors at this firm. They have unlimited knowledge of this area of law and are efficient, thorough and talented.
{Rachel Carter is in my view the best child care lawyer in the country with a nationwide practice.



Rachel Carter – Winner of the Devon & Somerset Law Society, Solicitor of the Year Award 2023

Rachel is a finalist in the LexisNexis Family Law Awards 2023 she has been selected in two categories : Partner of the Year and Family Law Champion of the year.

Rachel has been awarded the prestigious ACQ Award for Childcare Lawyer of the Year 2020

Additionally I have previously been awarded the Family Law Associate of the Year 2014 (Family Law Awards) and Solicitor of the Year 2016 (Devon & Somerset Law Society Awards).

Reported cases include:

D AND A (Fact Finding: Research Literature) [2024] EWCA Civ 663

A Local Authority vs Mother & Ors [2022] EWFC 172

Re G (Finding of Fact Hearing: Resuscitative Shake) [2022] EWFC B6

A Child (Special Guardianship Order) [2021] EWFC B41

B (Children), Re [2021] EWCA Civ 1221

Thurrock Council v M & Ors (Withdrawal of Care Proceedings) [2021] EWFC 22

A County Council v L & Ors [2021] EWHC 48 (Fam)

Re S (Fact-Finding) [2020] EWFC 71

Lancashire County Council v M & Ors (COVID-19 Adjournment Application) (Rev 1) [2020] EWFC 43

A Local Authority v M & Ors (Fact Finding) [2019] EWFC 33

Re B (Application for leave to withdraw care proceedings) [2019] EWFC B25

Cumbria County Council v R [2019] EWHC 2782 (Fam)

Re H (Children) [2018] EWFC 61

Re Y (Fact Finding), Re [2018] EWFC B20

 Buckinghamshire County Council v Andrew & Ors [2017] EWFC B19 (26 April 2017)

Re D [2017] EWCA Civ 196

Re AB (fact finding) [2016] EWFC B57 (8 July 2016)

R (fact finding re-opened) [2016] EWFC B14 (18 March 2016)

Re L, K & J [2016] EWFC 12

LB Hounslow v M and F [2015] EWFC B214 (17 December 2015)

R (Fact Finding), Re [2015] EWFC B95 (15 July 2015)

Lancashire County Council v P (Injured Child) [2015] EWFC B37

Re F & J [2015] EWFC B231

Lancashire v P [2015] EWFC B37

Re S [2014] EWCA Civ 1447

Re B (A Child) [2014] EWHC B1 (Fam)

Re JG [2014] EWHC 479 (Fam)

Re X & Y (Children disclosure of judgment to police) [2014] EWHC 278 (Fam)

Re A (A Child) [2013] EWHC 3502 (Fam)

Lancashire County Council v R [2013] EWHC 3064 (Fam)

Re L and M (Children) [2013] EWHC 1569 (Fam)

Re J (children) (care proceedings: past ‘possible perpetrators’ in new family unit) [2013] All ER (D) 232 (Feb) / [2013] UKSC 9

Re M [2012] EWCA Civ 1710

Re M (a child) (oral evidence: vulnerable witness) [2012] All ER (D) 272 (Nov)

Re J (Children) [2012] EWCA Civ 3


Contact Rachel Carter