If you are contemplating buying another business, then you will have been suitably impressed with the sale particulars. But these do not tell the whole story and when you decide to acquire the assets of a business you will want to satisfy yourself that you can...
The government has unveiled its long-awaited plans for arbitration to handle pandemic-related commercial rent arrears, with a code of conduct that effectively sets the standard for the draft legislation, which is expected to follow through next year. To protect...
Commercial landlords rely on insurance to cover the cost of repairing damage to their investment property beyond normal wear and tear, and business tenants expect a rent holiday if they cannot use their premises. Many commercial landlords and tenants, whose premises...
Chris Hart, Wollens Chief Executive and Emma Reed, Partner. Wollens are delighted to welcome Partner and Solicitor Emma Reed to the Commercial department. An established, successful, and diligent lawyer, Emma will work with Wollens clients in all aspects of...
Growing evidence of climate change has put sustainability firmly on the commercial property agenda. Owners, occupiers, and lenders are increasingly focused on ‘ESG’ which refers to environmental, social and governance issues. Lenders and occupiers are asking to see...
The presentation of the Devon & Somerset Law Society Legal Awards for 2020 took place last night (September 23rd) in a digital ceremony after several attempts to hold the Dinner originally planned for April 2020 were postponed for COVID reasons. Hosted by the...