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Helen Prince started her law degree over 10 years ago when her oldest children were 1,3 &4yrs old. Driven to complete her degree by the cost of childcare in her previous role which simply made working full time in her previous role unaffordable. Helen said that if it wasn’t for her family she is not sure that she would have had the determination or belief in herself to start such a journey.


Helen completed her degree within 5 yrs with the Open University via long distance learning, juggling the degree schedule and eventually working again alongside. The days involved squeezing in study time between 5am and 7am before the children were awake, after that it was a case of getting everyone ready for school / pre-school and then off to work at 8am!  Helen worked as a Legal Secretary in civil litigation and contentious employment matters.

Once Helen completed her degree she took a well-deserved year out and then started her LPC part time at UWE Bristol, whilst working part time with Wollens (which was known as Toller Beattie at the time).

Helen became pregnant with her fourth child in her second year, and her last exam had to be deferred due to the birth of her daughter on the day of the exam!

Helen started her training contract with Wollens in 2020 during her maternity leave – a moment that Helen describes as a ‘brilliant surprise’ and two years later at the end of 2022 Helen is a qualified solicitor.

Now working in the dispute resolution team Helen deals with a number of varied matters involving commercial and civil disputes.

Helen said “It has been quite a journey over the years but I like to think this means I have a good understanding of all that life can throw at you, as well as all the competing pressures and needs that our clients experience and may need assistance with.“

Simon Bean Head of the Dispute Resolution team said “We are delighted to welcome Helen to our team as a Dispute Resolution Solicitor.  She has many years of experience in advising and representing clients with disputes and she will add strength and depth to the team.  She has worked tirelessly to qualify and is now able to put her training fully into practice.”

Contact Helen

[email protected] 

or call 01271 342268