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Businesses who employ 16-18 year olds need to be aware that there are certain special considerations that come with employing the youngest members of the job market. These include:

  • That they can only work up to 40 hours a week
  • They are usually entitled to 2 days off work each week
  • That they have to have at least a 30-minute break each day if their working hours are at least 4.5 hours.
  • That they are not usually able to work night shifts
  • That they are entitled to be paid at least minimum wage (£5.28 per hour for under 18s and apprentices)
  • That, if they are working for you under the age of 18, it should be either as an apprentice or as an employee working at least 20 hours per week whilst also being in part-time education or training.
  • That employers are required to keep records of the working hours of any young workers with records being kept for at least 2 years.

Find out how we can help.  Our partner, Jon Dunkley, heads the Wollens specialist Employment Department.  Contact him today for an informal chat, without obligation on 01271 342268 or via email at [email protected].