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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the NHS, and specifically in relation to urgent cancer diagnostic pathways. NHS staff and resources were stretched to capacity and COVID patients were prioritised meaning that many routine cancer screenings and diagnostic procedures were postponed or cancelled leading to an increase in delays of cancer diagnoses.   

Cancer can progress quickly and therefore if not detected early, a patient’s treatment options and chances of survival can be significantly impacted. Along with the physical implications of a delayed diagnosis, the uncertainty and anxiety associated can also have a drastic impact on patients and their families.   

Although the NHS have worked to address these challenges by implementing strategies to safely resume cancer screenings and diagnostic procedures, the ‘pause’ during the pandemic has led to a backlog of cancer patients awaiting diagnosis. 

If you have been affected by a delayed diagnosis of cancer, you may be entitled to claim for compensation. 

Elizabeth Larner 20


Workplace injuries can be life changing events. Navigating the legal process for compensation can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. By understanding your rights, gathering the right evidence, and seeking expert legal advice, you can ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Whether you’re an employee, a temporary worker, or self-employed, it’s important to know that if you’ve been injured at work due to your employer’s negligence, you have the right to claim compensation. The process may seem daunting, but with the right support, you can successfully navigate your way to obtaining the compensation you rightfully deserve.

How can we help?

Our specialist solicitors can discuss your injury with you and recommend the best next steps. Hannah Goodman is a Paralegal in the Clinical Negligence and Personal Injury team.


Hannah Goodman – Paralegal 

If you need help with this issue contact Hannah or one of our specialists today [email protected]

call 01803 225159

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