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Special considerations when employing young workers

Special considerations when employing young workers

Businesses who employ 16-18 year olds need to be aware that there are certain special considerations that come with employing the youngest members of the job market. These include: That they can only work up to 40 hours a week They are usually entitled to 2 days off...
The perils of banter

The perils of banter

Employment tribunal claims based on ‘banter’ are on the rise. It is reported there were 66 claims in 2022. The rise in cases based on ‘banter’ are a reminder that what might be amusing to some can be offensive to others. This leads to a risk of discrimination claims...
Refusing to pay wages leads to constructive dismissal

Refusing to pay wages leads to constructive dismissal

Employees have a contractual right to receive pay for work done in accordance with their contract of employment. Refusing to pay wages to an employee is usually a fundamental breach of contract by the employer (the notable exception being where the employer has a...
Five things you should know about Statutory Sick Pay

Five things you should know about Statutory Sick Pay

Dealing with sickness absence takes up a lot of management and HR time. It can be difficult to navigate all the different considerations involved. One of those considerations is sick pay. Here are five things you should know about statutory sick pay: Statutory Sick...
An Introduction to Garden Leave

An Introduction to Garden Leave

The phrase ‘garden leave’ crops up often when you are talking about employees who are leaving a business, but it is not always clear what is meant by the term. Here is an explanation of the concept: Garden leave describes the situation when an employee who is leaving...
EU Law to remain on the statute books unless specifically revoked

EU Law to remain on the statute books unless specifically revoked

The government has announced in a written statement to parliament that it is abandoning the sunset clause in the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill.  As the Bill was originally drafted, almost all EU law would automatically be revoked at the end of 2023,...