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Harassment occurs if an employee (X) engages in unwanted conduct relating to a protected characteristic (such as sex or race) which has the purpose or effect of: Violating another employee’s (Y) dignity or Creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or...
Health and safety – Covid-19

Health and safety – Covid-19

Offices seem to be worse hit by Covid-19 outbreaks than other types of workplace. Data shows that in the second half of 2020 there were more than 500 outbreaks or suspected outbreaks in offices, more than in supermarkets, construction sites, warehouses, restaurants...
Uber – employment rights

Uber – employment rights

The Supreme Court has confirmed that Uber drivers are workers rather than self-employed contractors. As such, drivers are entitled to basic employment rights such as the national minimum wage, paid holiday and rest breaks The long running Uber v Aslam saga has finally...
Disciplinary and grievance procedures during coronavirus

Disciplinary and grievance procedures during coronavirus

While many workplaces continue to be affected by the coronavirus pandemic, employment law and the Acas Code of Practice concerning disciplinary and grievance procedures still apply. If you are dealing  with disciplinary or grievance procedures, there are some...
Employment tribunals – compensation

Employment tribunals – compensation

If an employment tribunal finds that an employee has been unfairly dismissed, they will then need to decide whether, and how much, compensation should be paid. The tribunal can order the amount it thinks is ‘just and equitable’ bearing in mind the employee’s losses....
Pregnancy discrimination

Pregnancy discrimination

Section 18 of the Equality Act 2010 deals with pregnancy and maternity discrimination. An employer discriminates against an employee if they treat her less favourably while she is pregnant or on maternity leave, either because of the pregnancy (or any related illness)...